

Does cheap pricing guarantee quality service?

Me: I need a better quote, and let's close the business.

He: Sure, we promise the cheapest pricing in the market.

Deal sealed.

Me: The product is ok. I need support in certain areas.

Me: Hello...?

Me: You there...?

Me: Please call. Awaiting. OMG!

Cheap pricing doesn' t always promise quality service.

Asked by Edumilestones | 24th of November 2020

career counsellor voiceofvipin

1 Answers

Anupma Mehrotra | M.A., B.Ed., Post Grad. D...

2nd of February 2021 | 2 Likes


Cheaper is not always better. A low price can indicate either good value or low quality whereas a high price may imply either poor value or high quality. Quality is critical to satisfying your client. As far as my view is concerned one should not be the cheapest, “be the best”.
